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News & Events
A total of
31 Breakthrough staff and former staff received certificates to confirm their selfless
service to the prisoners and former prisoners at the 2019 Yellow Ribbon Awards
Ceremony. Joel Lee Boon Sim and Ong Teck Soon were awarded the Outstanding
Achievement Award to commend them for setting an exemplary role model and
making outstanding contributions to the community.
Others were
awarded: 8 gold medals, 13 silver medals, 4 bronze medals and 4 merit awards.
The awards
are based on the number of years they have remained crime free, who have
enhanced their skill or education levels, kept themselves gainfully employed
and have contributed to their families and society.
outstanding ex-offenders who have remained crime and drug free for: Gold Award
- more than 15 years
Silver Award
- a period of 10 to less than 15 years
Bronze Award
- a period of 5 to less than 10 years
Merit Award
- a period of 3 to less than 5 years